• Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems Plus MyConstructionKit -- Access Card Package - 4

    Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems Plus MyConstructionKit -- Access Card Package - 4

    the science of building construction and design is evolving more quickly than ever before. The second edition of this outstanding text builds on the previous version. It incorporates the latest updates available, features hundreds of new pieces of artwork, and is now in FULL COLOR! Written by an author team with decades of experience in architecture, building construction, engineering, and teaching, Building Construction: Principles, Materials...

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  • Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems Plus MyConstructionKit -- Access Card Package - 3

    Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems Plus MyConstructionKit -- Access Card Package - 3

    the science of building construction and design is evolving more quickly than ever before. The second edition of this outstanding text builds on the previous version. It incorporates the latest updates available, features hundreds of new pieces of artwork, and is now in FULL COLOR! Written by an author team with decades of experience in architecture, building construction, engineering, and teaching, Building Construction: Principles, Materials...

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  • Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems Plus MyConstructionKit -- Access Card Package - 2

    Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems Plus MyConstructionKit -- Access Card Package - 2

    the science of building construction and design is evolving more quickly than ever before. The second edition of this outstanding text builds on the previous version. It incorporates the latest updates available, features hundreds of new pieces of artwork, and is now in FULL COLOR! Written by an author team with decades of experience in architecture, building construction, engineering, and teaching, Building Construction: Principles, Materials...

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  • Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems Plus MyConstructionKit -- Access Card Package - 1

    Building Construction: Principles, Materials, & Systems Plus MyConstructionKit -- Access Card Package - 1

    the science of building construction and design is evolving more quickly than ever before. The second edition of this outstanding text builds on the previous version. It incorporates the latest updates available, features hundreds of new pieces of artwork, and is now in FULL COLOR! Written by an author team with decades of experience in architecture, building construction, engineering, and teaching, Building Construction: Principles, Materials...

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  • Practical 3D Printers: The Science and Art of 3D Printing

    Practical 3D Printers: The Science and Art of 3D Printing

    Practical 3D Printers takes you beyond building the printer to calibrating it, customizing it, and creating amazing models with it, including 3D printed text, a warship model, a robot body, windup toys, and arcade-inspired alien invaders. First you'll learn about the different types of popular 3D printer models and the similarities and differences among them. You'll see how the MakerBot works, and how it's different from RepRap printers like...

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  • Android Python with SL4A

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    Pro Android Python with SL4A is for programmers and hobbyists who want to write apps for Android devices without having to learn Java first. Paul Ferrill leads you from installing the Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) to writing small scripts, to more complicated and interesting projects, and finally to uploading and packaging your programs to an Android device.

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  • Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development Second Edition

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    Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development, Second Edition starts with the basics, walking you through the process of downloading and setting up the right development tools, including Visual Studio, Expression Blend, Silverlight SDK, and Windows Phone SDK. It then takes you step-by-step though the development process as you build and deploy a working application, complete with a sophisticated user interface. Finally, you'll receive step-by-step...

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  • Learning Cocos2D

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    “If you’re looking to create an iPhone or iPad game, Learning Cocos2D should be the first book on your shopping list. Rod and Ray do a phenomenal job of taking you through the entire process from concept to app, clearly explaining both how to do each step as well as why you’re dong it.” —Jeff LaMarche, Principal, MartianCraft, LLC, and coauthor of Beginning iPhone Development (Apress, 2009) “This book provides an excellent...

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  • Windows Phone 7 SECRETS

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    The newly revamped Windows Phone platform boasts sophisticated new features and functionality. Sharing his years of training and experience, bestselling author and Windows expert Paul Thurrott reveals little known tips, valuable insight, and unbeatable advice so you can get the most from your Windows Phone 7. You'll benefit from the simple, straightforward solutions to common problems, all of which will go a long way to help if you are new to...

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  • Building Commercial Quality Java ME Apps

    Building Commercial Quality Java ME Apps

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  • The Art of the App Store: The Business of Apple Developmen

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    With this invaluable book, Tyson McCann offers a non-technical look at all aspects of the iPhone application development landscape and gets to the core of what makes a popular—and profitable—application. From knowing your customer to to launching a successful app, and everything in between, this must-have guide navigates such topics as developing a concept, analyzing the competition, considerations before the launch, marketing, building a...

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  • Beginning Flash, Flex, and AIR Development for Mobile Devices

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    THAT THIS BOOK COVERS Beginning Flash, Flex, and AIR Development for Mobile Devices introduces the reader to a number of topics covering the key authoring aspects of developing for the current iteration of the Adobe Flash Platform, guiding the reader through the following chapters: Chapter 1 — An Introduction to Flash, Flex, and AIR: This chapter provides an overview of the Adobe Flash Platform covering …..

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