• Ebook A srudent’s introduction to English grammar

    Ebook A srudent’s introduction to English grammar

    "A srudent’s introduction to English grammar" present verbs, tense, aspect, and mood; clause structure, complements, and adjuncts; nouns and noun phrases; adjectives and adverbs; prepositions and preposition phrases; negation and related phenomena; subordination and content clauses; non-finite clauses and clauses without verbs; information packaging in the clause...

     320 p mku 23/06/2022 66 0

  • Ebook Teach terrific grammar – A complete grammar program for use in any classroom

    Ebook Teach terrific grammar – A complete grammar program for use in any classroom

    "Ebook Teach terrific grammar – A complete grammar program for use in any classroom" present sentences; nouns; verbs; pronouns; adjectives; adverbs; prepositions, conjunctions and interjections; punctuation and capitalization; usage and proofreading...

     257 p mku 23/06/2022 75 0

  • Ebook Teaching English grammar – What to teach and how to teach it

    Ebook Teaching English grammar – What to teach and how to teach it

    "Ebook Teaching English grammar – What to teach and how to teach it" present the content the new structure and its possible forms; the meanings imparted by the structures in context; the core of what the student needs to learn; and then, crucially, ways to present and practise the structure and to check that the core concepts are understood. This book aims to help teachers meet these demands by offering quick access to key aspects of...

     287 p mku 23/06/2022 92 0

  • Ebook Techniques and resources in teaching gramamar

    Ebook Techniques and resources in teaching gramamar

    "Ebook Techniques and resources in teaching gramamar" present basic issues; techniques; resources; techniques and resources integrated; getting ready to teach grammar; listening and responding...

     101 p mku 23/06/2022 90 0

  • Ebook The teacher’s grammar book

    Ebook The teacher’s grammar book

    "The teacher’s grammar book" presnet traditional grammar; phrase structure grammar; noam chomsky and grammar; cognitive grammar; dialects.

     286 p mku 23/06/2022 51 0

  • Preparation series new TOEIC test Intermediate Course Fourth Edition

    Preparation series new TOEIC test Intermediate Course Fourth Edition

    Giáo trình này cung cấp cho người học những kỹ năng, phương pháp, sự luyện tập và sự tự tin cần thiết để đạt điểm cao trong kỳ thi Toeic. Là giáo trình luyện thi Toeic lý tưởng dành cho những học viên muốn đạt điểm Toeic từ 450 đến 850. Tài liệu mới được trình bày theo dạng thức của đề thi Toeic mới.

     269 p mku 23/06/2022 86 0

  • Ebook Speaking for IELTS - Collins

    Ebook Speaking for IELTS - Collins

    Speaking for fELTS will prepare you for the IELTS Speaking test whether you are taking the test for the first time, or re-sitting. It has been written for learners with band score 5-5.5 who are trying to achieve band score 6 or higher.

     146 p mku 23/06/2022 73 0

  • Ebook Listening for IELTS - Collins

    Ebook Listening for IELTS - Collins

    Listening for IELTS is divided into 12 units. Each unit focuses on a topic area that you are likely to meet in the IELTS exam. This helps you to build up a bank of vocabulary and ideas related to variety of the topics.

     145 p mku 23/06/2022 67 0

  • Ebook Writing for IELTS - Collins

    Ebook Writing for IELTS - Collins

    Writing for IELTS cung cấp cho bạn kiến thức cần thiết để làm bài thi Viết học thuật trong kỳ thi IELTS. Đối tượng người mới học IELTS hoặc đã đạt 6.0-6.5 IELTS muốn đạt đến 7.0 hoặc cao hơn.

     145 p mku 23/06/2022 68 0

  • Ebook Reading for IELTS - Collins

    Ebook Reading for IELTS - Collins

    Reading for IELTS is divided into 12 units. Each unit focuses on a topic area that you are likely to meet in the IELTS exam. This helps you to build up a bank of vocabulary and ideas related to a variety of the topics. As in the IELTS test, the texts are taken from authentic sources. These may contain narratives, logical arguments, descriptions or discussions. Some of texts contain visuals.

     145 p mku 23/06/2022 84 0

  • Ebook New TOEIC 4n4 520 level

    Ebook New TOEIC 4n4 520 level

    Ebook New TOEIC 4n4 520 level giúp khắc phục điểm yếu chỉ trong 4 tuần là ebook TOEIC phân loại điểm số, giúp giải quyết 4 điểm yếu lớn chỉ trong 4 tuần cho những người bận rộn khi học TOEIC.

     208 p mku 23/06/2022 85 0

  • Ebook Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced

    Ebook Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced

    Cuốn sách cho bạn thấy những lỗi trong cách sử dụng tiếng anh mà bạn vẫn thường mắc phải và các cách để tránh nó. Các tác giả cua bộ sách đã phải nghiên cứu phân tích hàng ngàn các cuộc hội thoại thông thường để đưa ra được những lỗi sai thông thường nhất của mọi người. Từ đó có thể giúp mọi người sử dụng tiếng Anh chính xác hơn.

     35 p mku 23/06/2022 81 0

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