Trước hết, tên đầy đủ của ASP.NET là Active Server Pages .NET (.NET ở đây là .NET framework). Nói đơn giản thì ASP.NET là một công nghệ có tính cách mạng dùng để phát triển các ứng dụng về mạng hiện nay cũng như trong tương lai. Bạn lưu ý ở chổ ASP.NET là một phương pháp tổ chức hay khung tổ chức (framework) để thiết lập các ứng dụng hết sức...

     127 p mku 31/10/2012 393 1

  • iPhone Game Development

    iPhone Game Development

    Organization of This Book Chapter 1, Introduction to the iPhone, gets you set up to build interfaces and write code in Objective-C, including logistics such as setting up a developer account with Apple. Chapter 2, Game Engine Anatomy, introduces the elements of game logic and good design that will let you write a maintainable and enjoyable game application. Chapter 3, The Framework, shows the code …..

     258 p mku 31/10/2012 302 1

  • Practical Palm Pre webOS Projects

    Practical Palm Pre webOS Projects

    Introduction An Overview of This Book I’ve broken the book down into two parts. The first part is comprised of the first two chapters, and the second part consists of the final five chapters. The first part introduces the basics of webOS, introduces the Palm Pre, and introduces the tools required to work with them. The second part consists of five individual, real webOS applications. …..

     426 p mku 31/10/2012 299 1

  • Advanced BlackBerry development

    Advanced BlackBerry development

    Are you a Java programmer looking for a new challenge and money-making opportunity? If so, Beginning BlackBerry Development may just be the book for you. This book will teach you everything you need to know to start developing apps that run on the BlackBerry family of devices and smartphones. With over 50 million BlackBerry devices sold and the launch of the new BlackBerry App World, there has never been a more exciting time to get into...

     450 p mku 31/10/2012 265 1

  • Cocoa Design Patterns

    Cocoa Design Patterns

    Introduction What Is a Design Pattern? Design patterns describe high quality practical solutions to recurring programming problems. Design patterns don’t require amazing programming tricks.They’re a toolbox of Related searches for reusable solutions and best practices that have been refined over many years into a suc- cinct format.They provide a vocabulary, or shorthand, that programmers can use when explaining complex software to each...

     457 p mku 31/10/2012 308 1

  • Basic Sensor in ios

    Basic Sensor in ios

    Introduction This book provides an introduction to the hot topic of location-enabled sensors on the iPhone. If you are a programmer who has had some experience with the iPhone before, this book will help you push your knowledge further. If you are an experienced Mac programmer, already familiar with Objective-C as a language, this book will give you an introduction to the hardware specific parts …..

     106 p mku 31/10/2012 307 1

  • Android Application Development

    Android Application Development

    Introduction This book is intended for experienced software developers who want to develop applications in the Android mobile environment. It assumes you have some experience with the Java programming language, with using Java to implement user interfaces, and that you are at least familiar with the technologies Android uses, such as XML, SQL, GTalk(XMPP), OpenGL-ES, and HTTP. Table of Contents Preface Part I. Development Kit

     336 p mku 31/10/2012 311 1

  • Web Development with Internet Information Server 4.0

    Web Development with Internet Information Server 4.0

    At the end of this module, you will be able to: Configure common application settings using the Microsoft Management Console and IIS 4.0 property sheets. Assign permissions to the IUSR_* account to allow proper access to ASP. Troubleshoot common security issues when writing ASP scripts. Related topics: Metabase MDUTIL

     80 p mku 31/10/2012 353 1



    Mặc dù việc thiết kế trang web đòi hỏi phải có nhiều khả năng về mỹ thuật, tuy nhiên vẫn có thể đưa ra một quá trình thiết kế để có thể giúp bạn tăng khả năng tạo ra các trang web hiệu quả và ấn tượng. Có thể nhiều người sẽ cho rằng việc đưa ra các bước trong quá trình thiết kế sẽ làm mất đi quá trình sáng tạo, điều này có lẽ đúng...

     26 p mku 31/10/2012 395 2

  • Web động và môi trường ASP

    Web động và môi trường ASP

    ASP là gì? Ưu điểm của việc sử dụng ASP tạo Web động Cài đặt IIS và tạo thư mục ảo cho ứng dụng Cấu trúc và các dòng lệnh cơ bản của ASP Web động S D Bài 1- 1/26 Sự cần thiết phải có ASP • Tại sao cần đến ASP khi đã có HTML • Với HTML, nếu muốn hiển thị thông tin, sử dụng chương trình text editor để tạo 1 trang HTML. • Nếu ta...

     21 p mku 31/10/2012 336 1

  • Preliminary draft of proposed rules of evidence for the United States District Courts and magistrates

    Preliminary draft of proposed rules of evidence for the United States District Courts and magistrates

    This book was digitized and reprinted from the collections of the University of California Libraries. Together, the more than one hundred UC Libraries comprise the largest university research library in the world, with over thirty-five million volumes in their holdings. This book and hundreds of thousands of others can be found online in the HathiTrust Digital Library. HP's patented BookPrep technology was used to clean artifacts resulting...

     550 p mku 31/10/2012 398 1

  • Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Library-Centric Software Design (LCSD '06)

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Library-Centric Software Design (LCSD '06)

    We examine what is necessary to allow generic libraries to be used naturally in a heterogeneous environment. Our approach is to treat a library as a software component and to view the problem as one of component extension. Language-neutral library interfaces usually do not support the full range of programming idioms that are available when a library is used natively. We address how language-neutral interfaces can be extended with import...

     122 p mku 31/10/2012 345 1

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